How do I change my password in Strawbees Classroom?

There are two ways to get access to your account in Strawbees Classroom: 

1. By filling in email (of any email provider) and password. 

2. By single sign-on (SSO), which currently only supports Google.

If using an email provider:

You can change your password as you made an account within Strawbees Classroom. 

  • Click on your profile icon, then select Logout you will be brought to Strawbees Classroom's front page
  • Click on Login to Strawbees Classroom
  • Click on Forgot password?
  • Enter your email address and press Continue
  • Open your email client and follow instructions to confirm the password change

If you use Google SSO:

Your password cannot be changed in Strawbees Classroom as that is your Google password itself. Check your Google account settings and follow the instructions on how to change your password.

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